A turbidity barrier or turbidity curtain is crucial for controlling oil spills and sediments in a body of water. Controlling the release of organics into a water column is possible with the proper turbidity barrier as well. Some sediments and organics are actually toxic to marine life. In the event of an oil spill, cleanup crews utilize an oil containment boom to prevent the spread of the spill. An oil containment boom is beneficial to the environment by not allow spills to reach marine life and other areas. You can find information about oil spill response equipment easily online and there are several sophisticated solutions available to prevent environmental disasters.
A silt barrier or silt curtain is also beneficial to the environment by not allowing sediments to spread out to certain areas. While using a turbidity curtain, the curtain must undergo a routine inspection. In tidal conditions, a turbidity curtain must have an anchoring system to prevent loading from either side. Companies that sell an oil containment boom provide details about their products on their websites. Engineers develop solutions for preventing environmental disasters and controlling spills and other situations is the first step towards improving the environment. For more information about an oil containment boom check out government sites that focus on soil and water solutions.