During the past six years, the federal government has battled a 680 percent increase of cyber attacks and security breaches. As you might already know, the federal government uses state of the art security systems and they still experience cyber attacks. One type of cyber attack is spyware, which is a type of malware that is installed on computers and mobile devices. An enterprise firewall with the proper intrusion detection system will prevent spyware, malware and other cyber threats found online every single day. The next generation network systems are ramping up security by providing a sophisticated intrusion prevention system.
Both detection and prevention are crucial for stopping cyber threats dead in their tracks. If you are a business owner connected to the internet, you need to protect your IT system from attacks. Business owners that do not use a firewall system will experience more downtime. Downtime will cause a loss in profits and a reduction of customer retention levels. In other words, the proper intrusion detection system will actually increase your productivity and profits by avoiding system downtime. One of the main benefits associated with an enterprise firewall is its ability to handle security for hundreds or even thousands of users on the network.
IT managers handle the network security platform to monitor, track and analyze all traffic coming and going on the network. Without the proper security tools, IT managers would be unable to stop certain kinds of cyber threats. An intrusion detection system provides the IT manager more control over what is coming and going on the network. The next gen network security systems are providing business owners the solutions to become more competitive by eliminating cyber threats to their networks. Do not make the same mistake other companies make by not using an intrusion detection system.