Did you know that emergency room visits in the United States now number approximately 110 million annually? However, many people visit emergency rooms for injuries and illnesses that are not truly emergencies, often because their doctors’ offices are closed or they are unable to get an appointment; in fact, only 29 percent of primary care doctors have after hours coverage. And, according to a study conducted by the CDC, almost half (48 percent ) of adult ER patients, who were not sick enough to be admitted to the hospital said they sought out health care at the ER because their physicians’ offices were closed. In the case you need medical attention, but it isn’t an emergency, you might consider visiting an urgent care facility, a urgent care Denver or urgent care Cherry creek, sometimes also known as a walk in clinic denver or a Denver health clinic.
Urgent care centers, such as urgent care Denver, are intended to ease the burden on emergency rooms by treating non life threatening injuries and illnesses; often the patient will be instructed to follow up with his or her primary care physician. Urgent Care centers account for $14 billion in revenue annually in the United States and are actually one of the fastest growing segments within the American healthcare system. Conditions commonly treated at an gent care center include sprains and strains; fractures; upper respiratory illnesses; gastrointestinal conditions such as food poisoning; lacerations; and concussions. It is even possible to get Std testing denver done at an urgent care Denver. Overall, if you need medical attention, consider Denver urgent care. Save emergency rooms for true emergencies.
Helpful sites: doctorsexpresscherrycreek.com