According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, two activities that are done the most on the internet are reading and sending emails and searching for information using internet search engines. The best public relations firms can take advantage of this fact and use it in their PR campaigns. Today, just about everyone has a smart phone and will get online and go to social sites like Facebook and use Facebook mobile. The best public relations firms can use this little bit of info to their advantage as well. There are 488 million people that take the time everyday to check into their Facebook mobile and the top PR firms New York can strategies public relations campaigns that will be effective on social sites.
PR case studies are used by Pr firms new york to help influence people’s opinions online. Public relations case studies are also used by the best public relations firms in order to convince people to buy products. Public relations are great for direct marketing advertising. In fact in 2012, every dollar that was spent on direct advertising will bring in a $12.18 dollars across all industries. Perhaps this is why in 2011 advertisers spent $6.4 billion dollars on advertising worldwide. Public relations firms New York can be found online.