Smart phone users in the U.S. total approximately 65 million today, with mobile users in the business sector taking up over 30 percent of all U.S. subscribers today and with ABI Research predicting that about 1 billion smart phones will be brought into the marketplace over the next five years. This means more people are using their devices on the job, and therefore more protection of these devices should be thoughtfully considered, particularly mobile device management solutions. It additionally means that more companies are accepting of BYOD policies where employees use their individually bought devices for work. Fortunately, most BYOD models rely heavily on cloud technologies, which are very protective of information.
Through these cloud based technologies, smart phone and also importantly iphone security measures can more easily and more safely be implemented. iPhones are very strong in terms of market share, and a lot of employees today use them, so iPhone management protocols and policies are advantageous for companies in all markets and of all sizes. Luckily, with a tool as simple as patch management everything can have more iPhone management security. Patch management software protects and helps IT managers more easily maintain these devices from afar, including when configuring devices. Apple may have a free Configurator tool that does this for up to 30 devices simultaneously, but with a strong corporate iPhone management policy many more devices get instant protection remotely. So companies no longer have to depend on their employees to protect their own devices.