Are you interested in doing team building exercises with your corporate team? Team building events help teams focus on problem solving skills and improves how teams understand their group dynamics. There are several ways you can approach team building and corporate entertainment.
First, you might be interested in having family fun days. These days are usually more about entertainment than challenges, and they encourage employees to see each other as part of a larger family, which can help improve daily morale and comfort with seeking help, advice, or ideas from other employees. This type of corporate entertainment is pretty laid back, and common family fun day are mini carnivals and picnics.
Second, your team might be interested in doing outdoor team building. These events usually focus on exercise to an extent, and can include rock wall climbing, soccer, paint balling, rope courses, and more. Challenges like rope courses encourage employees to support and communicate with each other in order to get through the course together.
Indoor team building is another option. Indoor exercises tend to be more cerebral in nature, and problem solving is usually a big aspect of this. Possible activities can include painting, mazes, working together to build a rollercoaster, et cetera.
Evening entertainment is a good way to engage employees in a more adult setting. This type of corporate entertainment can take place in a bar or even a casino, although of course there are a lot of low key options as well.