If you’re looking for LASIK eye surgery MN, Whiting Clinic is a great options. Whiting Clinic recognizes that Minneapolis LASIK can be expensive and works with patients to make LASIK eye surgery MN an affordable option. In fact, Whiting Clinic’s average price per eye is only $1295. A free LASIK candidacy exam at Whiting Clinic can help identify the exact cost of your LASIK. Experienced staff can work with you to help plan your procedure for a time that works within your schedule and budget.
Although health insurance plans may not always cover LASIK, there are options to make laser eye surgery Minneapolis affordable. For example, a Flexible Spending Account or Health Savings Account, which use pre tax or tax deferred funds to pay for health related expenses like LASIK that aren’t always covered by health insurance plans, can cut the price of LASIK by up to 30 percent . In fact, these Flexible Spending Accounts, also know as FSAs are one of the best ways to save money on your LASIK procedure. These accounts differ from employer to employer, but nearly 80 percent of Minnesota employers offer their employees some type of FSA and so they are a great option for LASIK eye surgery Minneapolis.
Additionally, HSAs are another type of savings account that can be used to defray medical expenses. Unlike FSAs these roll over from year to year and unspent funds can accumulate over time. Investing in an HSA is similar to an Individual Retirement Account, and money can be withdrawn at any time for any reason. As long as HSA funds are used for qualified medical expenses, no income tax is applied. Depending on your tax bracket, using an HSA to pay for your LASIK can also help you save up to 30 percent on a LASIK surgery Minneapolis. Your best financing option will depend on your specific insurance plan and savings account, so make sure to talk to your HR or benefits department. Knowing which type of savings account you’re using can help us answer any questions you may have about financing your LASIK procedure.
Whiting Clinic offers excellent services and outstanding results for LASIK Minneapolis. LASIK eye surgery MN patients are always blown away with their results and many wish they would have undergone LASIK sooner. Schedule a free candidacy exam to discuss your Lasik eye surgery mn; Whiting Clinic is more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the procedure and discuss your various financing options. Whiting Clinic is a great option for LASIK eye surgery MN.